Dr. Lora Cruise Medical Clinic
Description : Dr Lora Cruise is a general family physician who has a special interest in child and adult mental health and substance use. In addition to family practice she is pleased to offer consultations and follow up care for mental health, addiction including OAT and pain management.
Lora will accept patients by referral only at this time. Services include General Family Practice, Sexual Health/Contraception, Mental Health, Opiate Addiction Support, Visits for Out-of-Province, Visits for Out-of-Country, WorkSafe Claims, Driver’s Medical.
Revelstoke Osteopathy & Wellness
222 First St. East, Revelstoke, BC
T. (250) 837-7997
F. (888) 568.6090
E. info@drloracruise.com
W. drloracruise.com