Nurse Practitioner – Interior Health
The Revelstoke Family Nurse Practitioner offers full scope medical care, with a focus on the medical care of complex, frail and elderly patients, as well as palliative care. The NP does medical visits at the hospital by appointment, as well as in the patient’s home which includes the long-term care facility, assisted living, and private homes. The medical visits include initial and ongoing assessments to diagnose and monitor diseases, disorders, and conditions. The NP initiates and manages treatment plans, including prescribing medications, and recommending evidence-based therapeutic interventions.
The NP practices within the NP scope of practice as per the BC College of Nursing Professionals. Appointments with the NP can be arranged by calling directly or speaking with your family physician.
Ann-Marie Gill, MScN
Nurse Practitioner (Family), Interior Health
2nd Floor, Rm 30 – Queen Victoria Hospital
1200 Newlands Rd., Revelstoke, BC
P. (250) 814-2213
W. Health Connect Registry